Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Squidoo lens on Eichlers

I've been playing with Squidoo, kind of a way to pile your web resources together. Squidoo calls these pages 'lens' as in, a lens through which to view the web.

It reminds me of the early days of Yahoo, when a friend told me they were going to get a job surfing the web and posting their best picks. Yeah, I thought, that might be fun while you're waiting for a real job to come along. This friend of course is long since retired....

Anyways, I've created a Squidoo lens about Eichler homes, as an experiment, and since it's something I'm at least a little bit passionate about. Smartly, Squidoo has metrics to encourage people to keep building their lens and keep them fresh and relevant. I admit I've been hooked by watching my lens break into the top 100 (when I mentioned it on my favorite Eichler resource) and then sink back into obscurity.

So, for now its basically a nice online bookmark folder, keeping track of online articles, favorite web resources, web pages, amazon goodies, photos from flickr, etc.

An ongoing experiment, let's see if it stays relevant and easy to use.
